By Mikal Thrones

There have been a couple meets since the last time I edited this MPA lifter rankings, so I figured I’d add in the performances from Provincials and Westerns.

The Women:

  • Aricelle Mateo made a significant jump for already being near the top of the board. Moving from 11th to 4th at provincials, but subsequently dropping to 5th due to performances at Westerns.
  • Jian Serame Provincials was Jian’s first meet and she hopped immediately into the top 25 at 23rd, but was bumped to 24th after Westerns.
  • Baylie Gigolyk took a massive 21 place leap to 26th, but also got knocked down 1 spot after Westerns.
  • Lyka Ballasteros Competed at Provincials and Westerns as her first 2 meets. She hopped into the rankings at 28th and improved to 20th at Westerns.
  • Alexi Runke Did her first meet at provincials and managed to get into the top 50 as a junior. She’s currently sitting at 45th.
  • Regine Tolentino had a strong bounce-back performance at Westerns. After not improving her all-time placing after provincials, she almost managed to get into the top 5 all-time. She would have made it in, but instead settled at 6th due to our last female performance.
  • Janie Jacobucci added over 5 GL points to her best performance to move from 13th to 4th all-time and is currently the only masters competitor in the top 10.


The Men:

  • Riley Bertrand took the highest placing out of any competitor in the last 2 months, working his way into the top 3 from 7th.
  • Alex Clayton nearly snagged a top 5 spot of his own, but came just short, finishing at 6th.
  • Jeffrey Baker Participated in his first MPA meet and just managed to get on the board at 50th.
  • Jayms Kornelsen The largest improvement of all our men’s competitors, Jayms took a giant leap from 48th up to 21st

Below is an ongoing list of the best MPA lifters from the current era