
Volunteers are the backbone of any competition!

All volunteers welcome.

Join a Committee

Joining an MPA committee is a great way for members to get in their volunteer hours outside of meets and gain valuable experiences unique to the MPA. If you are interested in joining a committee, see the list and corresponding contacts below. 

Ethics Committee Chairperson: Trish Roche – umproche@gmail.com
The Ethics Committee will provide leadership in the development and application of future policies and advise the MPA Board of Directors and Members on the interpretation and application of our various codes and policies. 

Competition Committee Chairperson: – Dino Camiré – mpa.vice.president00@gmail.com
The competitions committee is responsible for developing a criteria-based system with the emphasis put on Qualifying Standards and evaluating Provincial Qualifying Standards. 

Coaching Committee Chairperson: Kyla Camiré – kyla@onefamilyfitness.com
The coaching committee will aid in developing our up coming MPA coaching program.

Medical Committee Chairperson: Andy Allden – manitobapowerlifting@gmail.com
Mainly, the medical committee will advise and assist the MPA in accordance with the WADA Prohibited List and assist Meet Directors with medical presence guidelines for competitions. 

Inventory Committee: Amanda Burg – manitobapowerlifting@gmail.com
The inventory committee will assist the Inventory Chairperson in their duties during and around MPA sanctioned meets and events, including: assisting in loading and offloading equipment for competitions and maintaining an inventory of the MPA equipment.

Fundraising Chairperson: Paula Kreitz – manitobapowerlifting@gmail.com
The fundraising committee will assist the Fundraising Chairperson in planning fundraising events for the MPA. 

Vacant Positions

The following board and chair positions are vacant. We are looking to fill both. These positions, or joining one of our existing committees are great opportunities for members in rural areas to get volunteer hours as the positions are completely remote. If interested in a position, please email manitobapowerlifting@gmail.com with a CV and resume explaining why you would be a good fit for the role. For more information of our committees, see our policies and procedures. 

1. Media Coordinator (voting position)

a) The Media Coordinator is to liaise with media contacts, answer media enquiries, monitor media coverage and promote awareness for and of the MPA, its events, and its athletes.
b) The Media Coordinator shall write, promote and/or distribute MPA press releases and news stories.
c) Acting as the main media contact for events in the lead up to MPA competitions and events
d) Liaising with the MPA Executive and MPA Meet directors for the promotion of MPA events.
e) Generating ideas for increased media coverage and publicity of the MPA and its athletes.

2. Outreach Chairperson (voting position)

a) The Outreach Chairperson will be responsible in connecting with other organizations (Schools, Sport Manitoba) in ways to grow the sport.
b) The Outreach Coordinator will also be responsible in aiding with apparel.