The 2022 Manitoba Powerlifting Association Inc. Annual General Meeting (MPA AGM) will take place on November 5th, 2022 at Iron Image Barbell Club (511 Robinson Avenue, Selkirk, MB) at 1:00 PM. There will be distance options available (conference call, & Zoom).

The agenda will be posted October 23rd, 2022.

All proposal, election nominations, Hall of Fame nominees, Athlete of the Year award nominees, MPA Junior Scholarship applications, and volunteer of the year award nominees must be submitted by October 5th. Electoral candidates must provide written acceptance of nomination by another MPA Member.
Submit all of these items before October 5, 2022 to Interim Secretary, Alyssa Amanda Burg:

Elections for the 2022 MPA AGM will include the following positions:
– MPA Secretary (director of the board)
– MPA Outreach Chairperson (non-voting officer)
– MPA Webmaster (non-voting officer)

Current bylaws, policies and AGM minutes can be found here:

When submitting bylaw/policy proposals, we require:
1. a proposal/motion title (the title for the AGM Agenda)
2. Current Wording (if changing an old policy/bylaw)
3. Proposed Wording (as you would have the motion/bylaw be written)
4. Rationale (why you are proposing this motion)
Please do so in the following format:

Proposal/motion title: (*insert proposal title here* e.g. “Add policy x.xx”)
Current wording (applicable if changing past policy/bylaw): xxxxx
Proposed Wording: xxxxxx
Rationale: xxxxx