2022 MPA AGM Information
The 2022 Manitoba Powerlifting Association Inc. Annual General Meeting (MPA AGM) will take place on November 5th, 2022 at Iron Image Barbell Club (511 Robinson Avenue, Selkirk, MB) at 1:00 PM. Only current members may vote. If you intend to vote, please register or renew your membership should it be expired. Anyone else may join to spectate, however, only current MPA Members may contribute to voting, motioning, and speaking. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87978660102Online room will open at 12:45, Meeting to commence at 13:00. +1 204 272 7920 to join by phone AGENDAAPPENDIX 1: Awards2022 MPA President Report2022 MPA Vice President Report2022 MPA Officiating Chairperson Report2022 MPA Media Report2023 Event Calendar for Bidding
MPA Lifter Rankings
Click here for updated MPA lifter rankings (Nov. 13/21) By Mikal Thrones There have been a couple meets since the last time I edited this MPA lifter rankings, so I figured I’d add in the performances from Provincials and Westerns. The Women: Aricelle Mateo made a significant jump for already being near the top of the board. Moving from 11th to 4th at provincials, but subsequently dropping to 5th due to performances at Westerns. Jian Serame Provincials was Jian’s first meet and she hopped immediately into the top 25 at 23rd, but was bumped to 24th after Westerns. Baylie Gigolyk took a massive 21 place leap to 26th, but also got knocked down 1 spot after Westerns. Lyka Ballasteros Competed at Provincials and Westerns as her first 2 meets. She hopped into the rankings at 28th and improved to 20th at Westerns. Alexi Runke Did her first meet at provincials and managed to get into the top 50 as a junior. She’s currently sitting at 45th. Regine Tolentino had a strong bounce-back performance at Westerns. After not improving her all-time placing after provincials, she almost managed to get into the top 5 all-time. She would have made it in, but instead settled at 6th due to our last female performance. Janie Jacobucci added over 5 GL points to her best performance to move from 13th to 4th all-time and is currently the only masters competitor in the top 10. The Men: Riley Bertrand took the highest placing out of any competitor in the last 2 months, working his way into the top 3 from 7th. Alex Clayton nearly snagged a top 5 spot of his own, but came just short, finishing at 6th. Jeffrey Baker Participated in his first MPA meet and just managed to get on the board at 50th. Jayms Kornelsen The largest improvement of all our men’s competitors, Jayms took a giant leap from 48th up to 21st
2021 MPA AGM Agenda and Zoom Link
Click Here to Review the 2021 MPA AGM Agenda ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5632593930?pwd=RlQrMldHZFk5V2FRQnFyWUR4OGVrdz09 Password: MPA123 Only Active MPA Members may vote at this meeting. The link will be published on the MPA Website and Communicated to the membership closer to the event. Please note: there have been no submissions for the MPA Junior Scholarship, and no submissions for the position of Webmaster. Please contact us if you are interested in either of these items. If you have any questions, comments, concerns please direct them to MPA Secretary Regine Tolentino by way of email: secretaryofmpa@gmail.com
AGM Submissions Due November 20th
The MPA’s 2021 AGM is scheduled for December 4 at 2:00 PM. If you have any bylaw proposals or policy changes, please submit them to Regine Tolentino, MPA’s Secretary, at secretaryofmpa@gmail.com by November 20th! You can review the current bylaws and procedures on our website – hit the link in our bio to visit (under the “About” section). ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS FOR: MPA Volunteer of the Year MPA Male and Female Athletes of the Year MPA Junior Scholarship Award: One $250 award for junior or subjunior applicant. Please provide a 250 word essay about why powerlifting is important in your life and in your education.
2021 MPA Provincials Registration Links
Competitor sign-up here Volunteer sign-up here
2020 MPA Provincial Masters, Juniors, Subjuniors Meet Report
It’s Thursday, October 15th. Andrew Langelaar and I clear out equipment from my basement/garage into the MPA trailer and I sigh to myself, “Well, this should be fun”. It’s Saturday, October 17th and as I roll up to the Central Plains RecPlex, I see Andrew Langelaar and his moving partner, Evan, along with MPA member Rhys Fletcher in the early stages of unloading the MPA trailer. It was a small group to start the day, but I smiled to myself, “this is going to be fun”. Wanda Bosek and Doug Wilcox joined in on the unloading fun and I thank them for picking me up breakfast. Wanda worked her butt off at 7AM and went on to lift at 12:30. Wow! Slowly but surely others began to trickle into the venue and before long we had ourselves a warmup room. This was the first time MPA was able to have a four-rack warmup room with competition equipment available for all of our lifters to use in warmups. This event also saw the Canadian debut of the brand new charcoal model of the Eleiko rack on the platform. Unique with grip on its bench pad, lifters seemed impressed by the new equipment, though Uncle Dean found it hard on his old back. We were able to stay under our 50 person group limit in order to comply with COVID-19 precaution regulations. We were able to adhere to government guidelines and the MPA Return to Play plan, in no small part thanks to the communal cooperation of everybody attending the event. Thank you to everyone for wearing their masks, social distancing whenever possible and for filling out their waivers/questionnaires ahead of time. Our day one platform volunteers included Mikal Thrones, Cole Lange, Jayms Kornelsen, Joey Simms, Josh Seeland and Brendan Hryciuk. On day two, Mikal and Cole were joined by Dean Smith, Brent Smith, Christine McGorman and David Woodward. All of our platform crew were supplied with apparel from Blonde Gorilla Barbell Co., and won numerous prize draws for additional swag. Thank you, Blonde Gorilla Barbell Co.! At the score table, I announced day one along with Christine McGorman on scorekeeping. Tiffany Lepla joined day two on score card duty and Stephen Sulik’s radio voice lit up the ears of the crowd as our MC. On both days, Ryan Kitson was our tech support and computer master extraordinaire. Ahead of time, Jordan Dulay setup all of the scoresheets digitally on plmeet.com. A thank you as to our medic Jocelyn Espenell for monitoring the wellbeing of our athletes on both days. Day one had Rhys Fletcher and Deanna Cutler, and day two had Wanda Bosek, Janie Jacobucci and Melissa Perry; acting as our COVID-19 sanitization squad. Additional gratitude to Wanda, Rhys and Deanna for helping register and take temperatures of all persons entering the facility. Brock Haywood (Cat 1), Susan Haywood (Cat 2) and Thea Olalia (National) refereed both days for our us. Janet Loesel Sitar (National) and myself (National) sat side chair on day one and two respectively, and Jorrel Marasigan (Provincial) and David Hrynkow (Provincial) were the technical controllers for these championships. The depth and consistency of quality refereeing in Manitoba continues to impress. Teardown was a special event with a ton of helping hands. Thank you to all of our volunteers. We can only run this caliber of event with your help. It is invaluable, each and every time one of you contributes to anything. Wait, I thought this was a powerlifting meet, not a volunteer-off? You’re right! The MPA Board of Directors opted to split provincials into four days, over two different weekends; days categorized by age classes. Thinking back to the single flight meets of old, it’s wild to have a full day each of masters and junior/subjuniors. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic we had 34 entrants this weekend, likely more than the number of athletes we averaged at full local level meets just a few years ago. The growth rate of Manitoba Powerlifting is almost startling. By luck, we were able to secure everyone who entered a spot in this event at max capacity. By even further luck, there were 8 M1 lifters, 8 Juniors and 8 Subjuniors – so making the schedule was way easier than it had any right to be. Masters Bench Press Only kicked off our event. Amanda Moffitt, my fabulous co-meet director, narrowly missed a provincial record. However, Amanda Moffitt took best bench press award with 52.28 GL points! David Hrynkow was in his first of two competitions in one day and unfortunately did not complete a bench press. Wilma Matieshin entered her first competition – going 2/3 at just 86 years young! Masters Provincials will go down as a session with almost countless record breaking performances. Each of our lifters entered unique weight classes and thus each received gold medals. Our best M1 Female and best overall Masters lifter was Janie Jacobucci. She total 365 KG in the 63 KG class and scored 81.04 GL points. GL Points have only been implemented since May, however, to my understanding anything above 80 is quite exceptional, especially for a masters lifter. Sam Lyons was our best Male M1 lifter. He took the provincial deadlift record for the 93 class and obtained his goal of qualifying for regionals/2021 Nationals. Though she is technically an M3 lifter (the only M3 powerlifter that day), Gail-Ann Breese was awarded the Best M2 lifter award due to her outstanding performance. She even obtained two National records for her 2nd and 3rd deadlifts. Since the 72 KG class is being removed from the IPF as of 2021, her records will almost certainly be retired at the end of 2020. Dean Smith ate his way just over 83KG into the 93 KG class and broke darn near every single M2 93 KG record in the MPA record books. He received the title of best M2 Male lifter in the process. Onto day two! Flight A consisted of 8 junior
2020 MPA Executive Member Election Results
The 2020 AGM held October 3, 2020, saw an election of a new MPA Executive, and election of 4 Committee Chairpersons. The MPA Board of Directors (Voting Executive) has been elected as follows: President: Mathew BowenVice President: Thea OlaliaTreasurer: David GurveySecretary: Regine TolentinoOfficiating Chairperson: Janet Loesel SitarRegistration Chairperson: Lisa Smith The MPA Non-Voting Executive Members have been elected elected as follows: Volunteer Coordinator: Jannelle Van Den BoschMedia Coordinator: Jessica AntonyRecords Chairperson: Kurtis TallaireSocial Media Manager: Amanda Burg A new position, Webmaster, has been created and will be appointed following a resume submission process in the coming weeks. Our Committee Chairpersons have been elected as follows: Medical Committee Chairperson: Summer PhamCompetition Committee Chairperson: Jordan SmithCoaching Committee Chairperson: Tommy HowellEthics Committee Chairperson: Amanda Burg Those who may be interested in joining committees shall apply via email to President Mathew Bowen at manitobapowerlifting@gmail.com for appointment to committees. All are welcome to apply. Respectfully, Mathew BowenMPA President
2020 MPA AGM Agenda
The 2020 AGM will take place online using the Zoom platform at Noon on October 3, 2020. Link to the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86225527413 2020 MPA AGM Agenda a) Call to order b) Determination of a quorum c) Appointment of scrutineers d) Approval of the agenda e) Declaration of any conflicts of interest f) Adoption of minutes of the previous Annual Meeting g) Board, Committee and Staff reports President’s Report – Mathew Bowen Vice President’s Report – Susan Haywood Officiating Chairperson Report – Janet Loesel Sitar Treasurer Financial Report – David Gurvey h) Business as specified in the meeting notice i) Elections Vice President Secretary Medical Committee Chairperson Coaching Committee Chairperson Competition Committee Chairperson Ethics Committee Chairperson j) Awards Athletes of the Year Volunteer of the Year Hall of Fame Junior Scholarship k) Discussion items l) Adjournment
2020 AGM Submissions Due September 19
– The 2020 Manitoba Powerlifting Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on October 3, 2020 via Zoom at Noon. Link and other specific details will be announced closer to the date. Submissions for the meeting (see below) are due September 19, 2020. Candidates for election may be nominated and accepted day-of as well. 2020 MPA Policies, Bylaws and Procedures (Version Aug 27, 2020) – Bylaw and Policy Proposals will be made by showing 1) Changes to the old bylaw (bylaw changes only) 2) Rewritten version of the amended bylaw 3) Rationale for proposing this new or altered bylaw. These may be sent via email or in a document via email to MPA Secretary Thea Olalia theaolalia@gmail.com . – Nominations for: 1) Executive Member Positions and 2) Committee Chairpersons will be done via email to MPA Secretary Thea Olalia theaolalia@gmail.com . Nominations must be done by a second MPA member and accepted by the member being nominated. Terms of service for Executive Members and Committee Chairpersons are three years in duration. – Nominations for 1) Male and Female Athletes of the Year 2) Volunteer of the Year 3) MPA Hall of Fame must be sent via email to MPA Secretary Thea Olalia theaolalia@gmail.com. All three of these members will be rewarded with free one year CPU/MPA Membership reimbursements at the time of their next renewal. – Voting for bylaws/policies, Elections, Volunteer of the Year, Athlete of the Year will take place during. Respectfully, Mathew BowenMPA President
2020 COMBINED Provincials
MPA returns to action this weekend for the Movement Powerlifting Classic 3.0 at Movement Fitness and Performance in Winnipeg. This will be the first CPU Sanctioned event since the COVID-19 pandemic halted competitions back in the spring. Volunteers are still encouraged to register with meet director Tommy Howell magmastrengthsystems@gmail.com. We aim to uphold the highest safety standards and lifting quality possible. Second, I would like to announce that the standalone 2020 Manitoba Provincial Bench Press Championships has been cancelled. Instead, our COMBINED 2020 Manitoba Powerlifting & Bench Press Provincial Championships will be held the weekend of October 17th. This event is tentatively set to take place in Brandon at the Brandon University Healthy Living Centre. The event will run October 16-18, depending on entries. *The Provincial Qualifying Standards have been waived for this event. All MPA competitors may enter.* COVID-19 precautions will remain in place as directed by Manitoba Health and the MPA Return to Play program, in accordance with Manitoba Health guidelines. It is the directive of Manitoba Powerlifting Association Inc. to provide safe, fair competition to its competitors. See you Saturday at Movement, Mathew Bowen, MPA President