2024 MPA AGM Information
The MPA Annual General Meeting will take place on November 2nd, 2024 at the Henderson Library (1050 Henderson Hwy, Winnipeg, MB) from 10:15 am to 1:00 pm. Agenda items and nominations are due 30 days prior. Reminder that this is an election year. Send your agenda items and nominations to manitobapowerlifting@gmail.com by 11:59pm on Sept 20th, 2024. This is your chance to have your voice heard.
2023 MPA AGM Information
The MPA Annual General Meeting will take place on November 4th, 2023 at the Charleswood Library (4910 Roblin Blvd #6, Winnipeg, MB) from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Agenda items and nominations are due 30 days prior. Reminder that this is an election year. Send your agenda items and nominations to manitobapowerlifting@gmail.com by 11:59pm on Thursday, October 5th, 2023. This is your chance to have your voice heard. Meeting Link
2022 MPA AGM Information
The 2022 Manitoba Powerlifting Association Inc. Annual General Meeting (MPA AGM) will take place on November 5th, 2022 at Iron Image Barbell Club (511 Robinson Avenue, Selkirk, MB) at 1:00 PM. Only current members may vote. If you intend to vote, please register or renew your membership should it be expired. Anyone else may join to spectate, however, only current MPA Members may contribute to voting, motioning, and speaking. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87978660102Online room will open at 12:45, Meeting to commence at 13:00. +1 204 272 7920 to join by phone AGENDAAPPENDIX 1: Awards2022 MPA President Report2022 MPA Vice President Report2022 MPA Officiating Chairperson Report2022 MPA Media Report2023 Event Calendar for Bidding
MPA Lifter Rankings
Click here for updated MPA lifter rankings (Nov. 13/21) By Mikal Thrones There have been a couple meets since the last time I edited this MPA lifter rankings, so I figured I’d add in the performances from Provincials and Westerns. The Women: Aricelle Mateo made a significant jump for already being near the top of the board. Moving from 11th to 4th at provincials, but subsequently dropping to 5th due to performances at Westerns. Jian Serame Provincials was Jian’s first meet and she hopped immediately into the top 25 at 23rd, but was bumped to 24th after Westerns. Baylie Gigolyk took a massive 21 place leap to 26th, but also got knocked down 1 spot after Westerns. Lyka Ballasteros Competed at Provincials and Westerns as her first 2 meets. She hopped into the rankings at 28th and improved to 20th at Westerns. Alexi Runke Did her first meet at provincials and managed to get into the top 50 as a junior. She’s currently sitting at 45th. Regine Tolentino had a strong bounce-back performance at Westerns. After not improving her all-time placing after provincials, she almost managed to get into the top 5 all-time. She would have made it in, but instead settled at 6th due to our last female performance. Janie Jacobucci added over 5 GL points to her best performance to move from 13th to 4th all-time and is currently the only masters competitor in the top 10. The Men: Riley Bertrand took the highest placing out of any competitor in the last 2 months, working his way into the top 3 from 7th. Alex Clayton nearly snagged a top 5 spot of his own, but came just short, finishing at 6th. Jeffrey Baker Participated in his first MPA meet and just managed to get on the board at 50th. Jayms Kornelsen The largest improvement of all our men’s competitors, Jayms took a giant leap from 48th up to 21st
2021 MPA AGM Agenda and Zoom Link
Click Here to Review the 2021 MPA AGM Agenda ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5632593930?pwd=RlQrMldHZFk5V2FRQnFyWUR4OGVrdz09 Password: MPA123 Only Active MPA Members may vote at this meeting. The link will be published on the MPA Website and Communicated to the membership closer to the event. Please note: there have been no submissions for the MPA Junior Scholarship, and no submissions for the position of Webmaster. Please contact us if you are interested in either of these items. If you have any questions, comments, concerns please direct them to MPA Secretary Regine Tolentino by way of email: secretaryofmpa@gmail.com
AGM Submissions Due November 20th
The MPA’s 2021 AGM is scheduled for December 4 at 2:00 PM. If you have any bylaw proposals or policy changes, please submit them to Regine Tolentino, MPA’s Secretary, at secretaryofmpa@gmail.com by November 20th! You can review the current bylaws and procedures on our website – hit the link in our bio to visit (under the “About” section). ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS FOR: MPA Volunteer of the Year MPA Male and Female Athletes of the Year MPA Junior Scholarship Award: One $250 award for junior or subjunior applicant. Please provide a 250 word essay about why powerlifting is important in your life and in your education.
MPA/CPU Youth Powerlifting
Now kids from 8-13 can compete at MPA meets! Read all about it here
Total Fortification Meet Registration Links
Register to compete here Register to volunteer here
2021 MPA Provincials Registration Links
Competitor sign-up here Volunteer sign-up here
MPA Open Provincials CANCELLED
Due to Manitoba’s recent move to Code Red in response to the critical increase in cases of COVID-19, the Open Provincial Championships will be cancelled. We understand that this is frustrating for all of the lifters who have been working hard on their training and were looking forward to competing. We were all anticipating an exciting meet where we could continue to champion our community and witness new PRs! However, given the Manitoba government’s suspension of all sports and recreation programming and the reduction in capacity of fitness facilities, as well as the concerning strain on our already overwhelmed health system and uncertainty in the coming weeks and months, the MPA board has decided that we must forgo the Open Championships. Competitions are designed to test your strength and have fun, but the risk to lifters, officials, and volunteers is simply too high at this point to meet in person. We are working on having an unsanctioned online meet instead so that our Open lifters will still have the opportunity to bring all of their hard work to the (virtual) platform and showcase their PRs. Thank you to everyone for your continued understanding and patience. Our goal is to ensure that we can all continue to excel in our sport safely. We will post updates on the online meet as soon as we can. Refunds will be processed right away for those who were already registered.